Category Archives: Unit 6 – Haitian Music

Lesson 1: Learning “A.K.I.K.O.”

Aim:  How can we use melody and rhythm to create a chant?Summary:  Students learn the chorus to “A.K.I.K.O.”; explore the concept of melodic variation; and create their own rhythmic chant.Materials: Musical Explorers digital resources, classroom instruments; crayons, markers, or colored pencilsStandards: GA –  ESGMK.PR.1, ESGMK.RE.3, ESGMK.CN.2, ESGM1.PR.1, ESGM1.RE.1, ESGM2.PR.1, ESGM2.RE.1, ESGM2.CN.2 Vocabulary:  chant, variationSee Glossary…

Unit 6: Haitian Music with Emeline

Genre Overview Haiti’s music reflects the different groups that have lived on the island, melding French, Spanish, African, and indigenous influences. There are many different styles of Haitian music. Perhaps the most popular and culturally significant is compas, a complex dance music characterized by the signature tanbou beat. These popular genres grow directly out of…

Lesson 2: Exploring “Panama Mwen Tombe”

Aim: How do steady beat and rhythm work together in Haitian folk music?Summary: Students will learn to sing “Panama Mwen Tombe,” discuss rhythm and beat, and learn about the tanbou drum.Materials: Musical Explorers digital resources, everyday-object percussionStandards: GA – ESGMK.PR.1, ESGMK.RE.3, ESGMK.CN.2, ESGM1.PR.1, ESGM1.RE.1, ESGM2.PR.1, ESGM2.RE.1, ESGM2.CN.2Vocabulary: tanbouSee Glossary → “Panama Mwen Tombe” is a popular…