Category Archives: Unit 3 – Kwela with Naledi

Unit 3: Kwela with Naledi

Melody now takes us on a journey from Brooklyn, New York to Boston, Massachusetts to meet our next singer, Naledi. Genre Overview Kwela is a lively South African genre of protest and street music developed in the 1940’s and 50’s that evolved from a jazz style of South African called marabi. The word “kwela” means…

Lesson 1: Learning “Pata Pata”

Aim: How can the lyrics and steady beat of a song inspire movement?Summary: Students will learn to sing the response in “Pata Pata”; explore the musical elements of kwela; and move to the steady beat.Materials: Music Explorers online audio, plastic strawsStandards: GA: ESGMK-2.PR.1, ESGMK-2.PR.3, ESGMK-2.RE.1, ESGMK-2.RE2, ESGMK-2.RE.3, ESGMK-2.CN.1, ESGMK-2.CN.2SC: GM.P NL-AH.3, GM.R NL-AH.6, GM.R NL-AH.7,…